Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hexagonal and Pentagonal Prisms

One of the natural wonders of the world is the Giant's Causeway in Northern Ireland.  It is a natural rock formation that extends from the north coast of the island into the North Sea, continuing under the sea all the way to Scotland.  Legend claims that this is the route that giants used to travel between the islands.

It is truly amazing that the stone pillars formed the way they did.
They are hexagonal prisms, just like the ones you heard about in Geometry class, but never thought existed. 

Imagine Dragons has slightly altered the natural landscape to form pentagonal prisms on their debut album,  night visions.  I wonder what happened to the sixth lateral face?  Do you suppose the dragons chased it away? And where are the giants? Imagine...
Night Visions, Imagine Dragons 

This website will allow you to make a net to create your own hexagonal prism or just manipulate one to see it from all sides.

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